Friday, June 24, 2011

The Problem of the Week Day 5: Week 6/19 - 6/25

Today is the last portion of our problems! For variables, the easy problem requires them all while the hard one only requires a, b, and q. I would recommend looking over Monday's work for the hard problem if you are doing the hard one because you will require some trigonometry.

Easy Problem: This problem uses some experimental probability. All you do is put the number of what you want over the total amount of objects. For instance, if there was a bag with 1 red jolly rancher and 2 blue jolly ranchers and you wanted to pull out the red one, put 1 red jolly rancher over 3 total jolly ranchers to get 1/3 = 33.3%.

I have a bag with c green marbles and n/z red ones. If I pull out y marble(s), what are the odds that the marble will be green? Express your answer in a percentage.

Hard Problem: To determine the area of a trapezoid, take the two bases and add them together. Then, multiply that sum by the height, and divide that answer by two. This will give you the trapezoid's area.

Hint: To convert inches to centimeters, divide the measurement by 2.54.

1) Convert measurements a and b from Monday to centimeters. On Monday, there were in inches, but we are measuring in centimeters!

Our centimeter conversion for a will be equal to z.
Our centimeter conversion for b will be equal to p.

2) Calculate the height of this trapezoid using sines and trigonometry.

This is the trapezoid you will use to solve the problem.

h = ____

3) Determine the area of this trapezoid. Your answer should be expressed in square centimeters.

If you completed one or both equations, send me your answer. I will tell you if you are correct and list you as one of the people who completed it.

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